May is National Bike Month – Be Aware of Cyclists to Avoid Head Injuries

A head injury is a severe condition that bike accidents can cause. There are various ways of dealing with brain injuries, but the most common is surgery. If you have sustained any injuries, it is important to see a doctor immediately and get proper treatment if you have experienced symptoms such as headaches or blurred vision. Here, we explore some methods you can use to avoid TBI associated with bike accidents.
Wear a Helmet
Saving your brain from a traumatic brain injury can be as simple as wearing a helmet. If you fall from your bike, your helmet protects your head from direct contact with the ground, which can cause a TBI or a head injury. It also protects your head from getting hit by an object or vehicle. Make sure that your helmet is securely fastened so that it stays on while you’re cycling. There are various types of helmets available, and it’s important to find one that fits your head well so that you do not experience any discomfort when wearing it.
Be Aware of What’s Around You
Before starting off on your bike, check around you to make sure no objects or vehicles are near you. Accidents commonly occur when someone riding their bike is not aware of what is happening around them, either because they were distracted or simply not paying attention to their surroundings.
Know if Something Is Wrong with Your Bike
Before you ride, make sure you know of any problems with your bike. If there is a problem with the brakes or tires, get it fixed before riding off. If your brakes are not working properly, you may not be able to stop in time if something suddenly appears in front of you. Also, make sure that the tires on your bike are properly inflated to ensure safe and comfortable cycling.
Learn How to Avoid Accidents
Certain things can cause accidents while biking, such as drivers who do not watch out for cyclists. There have been many instances where drivers have turned into the wrong lane, causing accidents for cyclists in their way. When you get on your bicycle, make sure that you wait until the lane is clear and there are no cars in the way before you leave.
Know Your Limits
If you become fatigued while cycling, it is best to stop biking and take a break. If you continue cycling without a break, it could lead to injury or death. The simple act of stopping can help your body recover and ensure that you are completely safe while riding your bicycle.
It is important to learn how to ride a bike properly and stay safe. These tips can help you in your daily activities, whether you are a beginner or an experienced cyclist. To further improve your cycling skills and learn more ways to avoid accidents, contact our team at the Law Office of David Dwork. If you ever do experience a traumatic brain injury, we can provide you with expert representation.